Sunday, June 29, 2008

Ugandan Cricketers Face Deportation

Two Ugandan cricketers who, in 2007, fled their touring national team to seek refugee status in Australia have had their application rejected, according to the Weekly Times Messenger newspaper report.

Patrick Ochan, 19, and Jimmy Okello, 20, both orphans from the little village of Gulu in northern Uganda now face the real possibility of being deported from their temporary home in Adelaide, South Australia.

Meanwhile, fearing violence and bloodshed in their homeland, the orphans are terrified of being sent back to Uganda because they have no future in that country.

But, in the final analysis, only the goodwill of the Australian people and the intervention by the Immigration Minister can save them from their fate.


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Love and Laughter

love and
laughter on the menu...
amorous lips
sizzling with new sparks of life
under the trembling light

our eyes meet
and the eternal glow of your
aura enlivens my soul

rhythms of love…
a rare Opportunity
to sample
an elixir of desire
full of dreams

you make the first
move, Iris; painting the future
with your kisses

you penetrate
the centre of my being
in the nick of time;
revealing the galaxy of colors
under the yellow moon

the sound
of your footsteps

banksias in bloom
near the secret passage of joy
the sudden flush
of luscious red flowers
bathed in winter’s sunlight

you swim like an
angel in the Sea of beauty…
the artistry of wonder

you witness
the timely birth of Desire
along the secret river
of the golden light
where love and laughter
reign supreme; banishing
the evil genius from
the human heart

a red rose
on my windowsill…
sweet thoughts of you

© Lawrence T. Udo-Ekpo