The Australian Refugee Association is seeking donations of football (soccer) boots to help young refugees get involved in the sport.
About 1500 refugees settle in South Australia each year, with half of those being young people.
Many are keen to get involved in football (soccer) - providing benefits to themselves, their clubs and the wider community.
However, the cost of participation can be a barrier, as they struggle to meet the cost of fees, uniforms and boots, while trying to live on a limited income.
The Office for Recreation and Sport provides funding to the Migrant Resource Centre of South Australia to help new arrivals participate in sporting activities, but the demand far outweighs the resources available.
The Australian Refugee Association is setting up a Boot Bank and is seeking deposits from anyone who has a spare pair of football (soccer) boots that they no longer need or use. All sizes are welcome (they just need to have another season of wear left in them).
Boot donations for the Boot Bank can be dropped off at Multicultural SA, 24 Flinders Street, Adelaide, or directly to the Australian Refugee Association, 304 Henley Beach Road, Underdale, South Australia before the end of June.
The Office for Recreation and Sport is committed to ensuring that all people, regardless of age, gender, cultural background and ability, have equal access to sport and recreation opportunities.
The Gentle Neophyte
17 years ago
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